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Title Credit Source Places Nautical Chantey Chorus Vulgar Ribald
Ambletown dt wp mb
(Home, Dearie, Home)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Amble
Angelina Baker dt wp mb
(Angeline the Baker)
Stephen Foster wp mb (w, 1850)
[trad.] (m)
Jody Kruskal h mb United States
Dirty Old Town dt wp mb Ewan MacColl wp mb (w&m, 1949) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Salford
Farewell to Tarwathie dt mb George Scroggie (w, 1857)
[trad.] (m)
The Press Room sessions Strichen
Fiddler’s Green dt mb John Conolly mb (w&m, 1966) San Francisco chantey sing h Grimsby
The Fishermen’s Song dt mb Andy M. Stewart wp mb (w&m, pre-1981) Silly Wizard wp mb Scotland
Four Green Fields dt wp mb Tommy Makem wp mb (w&m, 1967) The Granitemen mb Ireland
Freedom mb Chris Vaughan mb (w, c. 2007?)
[trad.] (m)
Chris Vaughan mb Stirling
Galway Girl mc wp mb
(The Galway Girl)
Steve Earle wp mb (w&m, 2000) Òran Mór mb Galway
The Grey Funnel Line dt mn mb Cyril Tawney wp mb (w&m, 1959) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Henry Martin dt wp mb
(Andrew Bartin)
(Andrew Barton)
(Andrew Batan)
(Henry Martyn)
(The Lofty Tall Ship)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Scotland
The Idiot dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, c. 1980) Stan Rogers h wp mb Canada
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye dt wp mb Joseph B. Geoghegan mb (w, 1867)
[trad.] (m)
The Granitemen mb Athy
The Jolly Roving Tar dt mb
(Get Up Jack, John Sit Down)
Edward Harrigan wp mb (w, c. 1885)
David Braham wp mb (m, c. 1885)
San Francisco chantey sing h New York
Miss Fogarty’s Christmas Cake dt mb
(Miss Hooligan’s Christmas Cake)
C. Frank Horn mb (w&m, 1883) Jake Schumacher Philadelphia
The Old Figurehead Carver mc mb Hiram Cody wp mb (w, 1925)
Dick Swain mb (m, 1966)
San Francisco chantey sing h New Brunswick
Paddy West dt mb [trad.] (w&m) The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem wp mb Liverpool
Peggy Gordon dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Nova Scotia
United States
A Red, Red Rose dt wp mb
(My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose)
(Oh, My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose)
Robert Burns wp mb (w, 1794)
[trad.] (w, 1794)
[trad.] (m)
Rocky Road to Dublin dt wp mb D. K. Gavan ws mb (w, pre-1863) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Dublin
Sally Free and Easy San Francisco chantey sing h England
Spancil Hill Michael Considine (w) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb California
Spancil Hill
Strike the Bell San Francisco chantey sing h England
Wild Mountain Thyme wp Francis McPeake (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Belfast