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Title Credit Source Places Nautical Chantey Chorus A Cappella Concertina Vulgar Ribald
Barrett’s Privateers dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1976) San Francisco chantey sing h Sherbrooke
Montego Bay
United States
Being a Pirate dt mb
(You Can’t Be a Pirate)
Don Freed wp mb (w&m, 1985) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Canada
Big Strong Man dt wp mb
(My Brother Sylveste)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions United States
Come, Love, Come dt mb
(Come, My Love, Come)
(Nancy Till)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions Ohio
Farewell to Nova Scotia wp dt mb
(Nova Scotia Farewell)
Robert Tannahill wp mb (w)
[trad.] (w)
[trad.] (m)
Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Nova Scotia
From Dover to Calais h mb Howard Kaplan h mb (w&m, 1988) Finest Kind h wp mb Toronto
Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire dt wp mb
(The Old Barbed Wire)
[anon.] (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing England
United States
The Idiot dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, c. 1980) Stan Rogers h wp mb Canada
Lady Franklin’s Lament dt wp mb
(Lord Franklin)
(The Sailor’s Dream)
[trad.] (w, c. 1850 & m, pre-1582) San Francisco chantey sing h England
King William Island
The Mary Ellen Carter dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1979) San Francisco chantey sing h Canada
The Night Paddy Murphy Died dt wp mb
(The Night Pat Murphy Died)
Johnny Burke wp mb (w&m, pre-1925) Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Northwest Passage dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1981) San Francisco chantey sing h Canada
The Old Black Rum mb Bob Hallett mb (w, pre-1995)
[trad.] (m)
Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Old Brown’s Daughter wp mb G. W. Hunt wp mb (w, pre-1871)
Ron Hynes wp mb (m, pre-1999)
Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
The Old Figurehead Carver mc mb Hiram Cody wp mb (w, 1925)
Dick Swain mb (m, 1966)
San Francisco chantey sing h New Brunswick
Peggy Gordon dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Nova Scotia
United States
River Driver Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Spanish Ladies wp mc
(Rant and Roar)
(The Ryans and the Pittmans)
Great Big Sea wp mb Spain
Thomas and Nancy Finest Kind h wp mb Sally’s Cove
Twelve Apostles
(Come and I Will Sing You)
Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Wave Over Wave dt Jim Payne h wp (w&m, 1983) Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
White Squall mc wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1983) San Francisco chantey sing h Wiarton
Sault Ste. Marie