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Title Credit Source Places Nautical Chantey Chorus A Cappella Concertina Vulgar Ribald
Auld Lang Syne wp mb Robert Burns wp mb (w, 1788)
[trad.] (m)
The Bonny Ship the Diamond dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Peterhead
A Bottle o’ the Best dt mb Jack Foley mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Farewell to Nova Scotia wp dt mb
(Nova Scotia Farewell)
Robert Tannahill wp mb (w)
[trad.] (w)
[trad.] (m)
Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Nova Scotia
Farewell to Tarwathie dt mb George Scroggie (w, 1857)
[trad.] (m)
The Press Room sessions Strichen
The Final Trawl dt mb Archie Fisher wp mb (w&m, 1970s) Òran Mór mb Scotland
The Fishermen’s Song dt mb Andy M. Stewart wp mb (w&m, pre-1981) Silly Wizard wp mb Scotland
Flower of Scotland dt wp mb Roy Williamson wp mb (w&m, 1965) Chris Vaughan mb Bannockburn
Freedom mb Chris Vaughan mb (w, c. 2007?)
[trad.] (m)
Chris Vaughan mb Stirling
Green Grow the Rashes dt mb
(Green Grow the Rashes, O)
(Green Grow the Rushes, O)
Robert Burns wp mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Henry Martin dt wp mb
(Andrew Bartin)
(Andrew Barton)
(Andrew Batan)
(Henry Martyn)
(The Lofty Tall Ship)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Scotland
Hieland Laddie dt mb
(Highland Laddie)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Scotland
Highland Laddie mb [trad.] (w)
Charles Erskine mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Charles Erskine mb Scotland
I’m a Rover dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Great Big Sea wp mb Scotland
The King dt mb
(Please to See the King)
(The Wren)
[trad.] (w&m) Wench Work Scotland
Lover’s Heart dt mb Andy M. Stewart wp mb (w&m, 1986)
Phil Cunningham wp mb (w&m, 1986)
Silly Wizard wp mb Skye
Mingulay Boat Song dt wp mb Hugh S. Roberton wp mb (w, 1931)
[trad.] (m)
San Francisco chantey sing h Mingulay
Nine Inch Will Please a Lady dt mb Robert Burns wp mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
The Press Room sessions Scotland
No Man’s Land dt wp mb
(The Green Fields of France)
(Willie McBride)
Eric Bogle h wp mb (w&m, 1976) June Tabor wp mb Australia
The Parting Glass dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Ireland
A Red, Red Rose dt wp mb
(My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose)
(Oh, My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose)
Robert Burns wp mb (w, 1794)
[trad.] (w, 1794)
[trad.] (m)
The Rigs o’ Barley Robert Burns wp mb (w) Ed Miller Scotland
Three Jolly Fishermen Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Edinburgh
The Water Is Wide Pendragon mb Ireland
White Mercury Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Aberdeenshire
Wild Mountain Thyme wp Francis McPeake (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Belfast