Click a place for songs from that country. Click a heading for songs only of that type.
Title Credit Source Places Nautical Chantey Chorus A Cappella Concertina Vulgar Ribald
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy dt mb
(Adieu Lovely Nancy)
(Adieu My Lovely Nancy)
(Here’s Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy)
(Lovely Nancy)
(Sweet Nancy)
[trad.] (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing Sussex
All for Me Grog mc wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Arrr!!! mb England
All Through the Ale dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Jeff Warner h mb Derbyshire
Ambletown dt wp mb
(Home, Dearie, Home)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Amble
The Anacreontic Song wp mb
(To Anacreon in Heaven)
Ralph Tomlinson mb (w, 1760s)
John Stafford Smith wp mb (m, 1760s)
And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda dt wp mb Eric Bogle h wp mb (w&m, 1971) Christine Lavin h wp mb Australia
Suvla Bay
Angelina Baker dt wp mb
(Angeline the Baker)
Stephen Foster wp mb (w, 1850)
[trad.] (m)
Jody Kruskal h mb United States
Are Ye Right There Michael dt wp mb Percy French wp mb (w&m, 1897) Betty O’Kelly d Co. Clare
Asshole Rules the Navy mc mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Auld Lang Syne wp mb Robert Burns wp mb (w, 1788)
[trad.] (m)
The Back Door mb Cathie Ryan h mb (w&m, 1992) Cherish the Ladies h wp mb Ireland
United States
Banks of the Sacramento dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Salty Dick h wp mb California
Banks of the Sacramento dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h California
The Barley Mow dt wp mb
(Good Luck to the Barley Mow)
[trad.] (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing England
Barrett’s Privateers dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1976) San Francisco chantey sing h Sherbrooke
Montego Bay
United States
Being a Pirate dt mb
(You Can’t Be a Pirate)
Don Freed wp mb (w&m, 1985) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Canada
Bell-Bottom Trousers dt wp mb Moe Jaffe wp mb (w&m, 1944) San Francisco chantey sing h England
United States
Big Strong Man dt wp mb
(My Brother Sylveste)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions United States
The Black Velvet Band dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Belfast
Blackbird Get Up mc mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Barrouallie
Blood-Red Roses dt mb
(Bunch o’ Roses)
(Go Down You Blood Red Roses)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Cape Horn
Blow, Boys, Blow dt mb
(Congo River)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
United States
Blow the Man Down dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Liverpool
Blow the Man Down dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Liverpool
Hong Kong
The Boatman’s Cure mb George Ward mb (w&m, late 20th c.) John Roberts wp mb Mohawk River
Boney dt mb
(Boney Was a Warrior)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Cape Trafalgar
St. Helena
The Bonny Ship the Diamond dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Peterhead
Boston Harbor dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Boston
A Bottle o’ the Best dt mb Jack Foley mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Bowena jc mb [trad.] (w&m) Judy Cook h mb Beloit
Bring ’Em Down dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Liverpool
Bring Us a Barrel dt mb Keith Marsden mb (w&m, 1966) Chicago chantey sing Yorkshire
Bully in the Alley dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
St. George
Byker Hill dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing Byker
Cape Cod Girls dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Cape Cod
Cape Cod Girls dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Mystic Seaport Museum h wp Cape Cod
Come, Love, Come dt mb
(Come, My Love, Come)
(Nancy Till)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions Ohio
Come Out, Ye Black and Tans dt wp mb
(Black and Tans)
(Come Out, You Black and Tans)
Dominic Behan wp mb (w, c. 1960)
Piaras Mac Gearailt mb (m, mid-1700s)
The Granitemen mb Dublin
The Crabfish dt mb
(The Crayfish)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Dick h wp mb England
Crossing the Bar mc wp mb Alfred Tennyson wp mb (w, 1889)
Rani Arbo mb (m, 1998)
The Press Room sessions England
Daddy Fox dt mb [trad.] (w&m) In Harmony’s Way mb England
Dan Dan mc mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Danny Boy dt wp mb Frederic Weatherly wp mb (w, 1910)
[trad.] (m)
Dirty Old Town dt wp mb Ewan MacColl wp mb (w&m, 1949) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Salford
Do You Love an Apple? dt mb [trad.] (w&m) The Bothy Band wp mb Ireland
Drinking That Wine bw mb
(Drinking of the Wine)
[trad.] (w&m) The Johnson Girls h wp mb Northern Neck
Georgia Sea Islands
Drinks at the Cuba cdm mb Andrew McKay h mb (w&m) Andrew McKay h mb Swansea
Drive Sorrows Away dt mb
(Sorrows Away)
(Thousands or More)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions Sussex
The Dutchman dt mb wp Michael Smith h wp mb (w&m, 1968) San Francisco chantey sing h Chicago
Eat Bertha’s Mussels dt mb John Roberts wp mb (w&m, pre-1983) San Francisco chantey sing h Baltimore
Essequibo River dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Guyana
Farewell to Nova Scotia wp dt mb
(Nova Scotia Farewell)
Robert Tannahill wp mb (w)
[trad.] (w)
[trad.] (m)
Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Nova Scotia
Farewell to Tarwathie dt mb George Scroggie (w, 1857)
[trad.] (m)
The Press Room sessions Strichen
Fathom the Bowl dt wp mb
(The Punch Ladle)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
The Ferryman dt wp mb Pete St. John h wp mb (w&m, 1985) Òran Mór mb Dublin
Fiddler’s Green dt mb John Conolly mb (w&m, 1966) San Francisco chantey sing h Grimsby
The Fields of Athenry dt wp mb Pete St. John h wp mb (w&m, 1979) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Athenry
Botany Bay
The Final Trawl dt mb Archie Fisher wp mb (w&m, 1970s) Òran Mór mb Scotland
Finnegan’s Wake dt wp fw gb mb
(Tim Finigan’s Wake)
John F. Poole mb (w, pre-1867)
[trad.] (m)
Òran Mór mb Dublin
New York
The Fishermen’s Song dt mb Andy M. Stewart wp mb (w&m, pre-1981) Silly Wizard wp mb Scotland
Flower of Scotland dt wp mb Roy Williamson wp mb (w&m, 1965) Chris Vaughan mb Bannockburn
The Foggy Dew dt wp mb
(Down the Glen)
Charles O’Neill mb (w, 1919)
[trad.] (m)
Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Ireland
Suvla Bay
Sedd el Bahr
Four Green Fields dt wp mb Tommy Makem wp mb (w&m, 1967) The Granitemen mb Ireland
The Fox dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) England
United States
Frankie’s Trade dt mb Rudyard Kipling wp mb (w, pub.1910)
Peter Bellamy wp mb (m, 1970)
Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Medway
Cape Horn
Freedom mb Chris Vaughan mb (w, c. 2007?)
[trad.] (m)
Chris Vaughan mb Stirling
From Dover to Calais h mb Howard Kaplan h mb (w&m, 1988) Finest Kind h wp mb Toronto
Galway Girl mc wp mb
(The Galway Girl)
Steve Earle wp mb (w&m, 2000) Òran Mór mb Galway
General Taylor dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Great Big Sea wp mb United States
God Bless England dt mb
(Whack Fol the Diddle)
Peadar Kearney wp mb (w)
[anon.] (m)
The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem wp mb Ireland
Good Ale dt mb
(Good Ale Thou Art My Darling)
(O Good Ale)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Sussex
The Good Ship Calibar dt mb
(The Calabar)
[trad.] (w&m) The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem wp mb Lisburn
Green Grow the Rashes dt mb
(Green Grow the Rashes, O)
(Green Grow the Rushes, O)
Robert Burns wp mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Greenland Whale Fisheries dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Greenland
The Grey Funnel Line dt mn mb Cyril Tawney wp mb (w&m, 1959) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Handsome Molly dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Pendragon mb United States
Handsome Molly dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Bob Webb h mb United States
Hanging Johnny dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Great Big Sea wp mb England
Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire dt wp mb
(The Old Barbed Wire)
[anon.] (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing England
United States
Hard Times Come Again No More dt wp mb
(Hard Times)
Stephen Foster wp mb (w&m, 1854) The Press Room sessions United States
The Harrin’s Heid dt mb
(Herrin’s Head)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Northumberland
Haul Away Joe dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Ireland
United States
Haul on the Bowline dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Liverpool
The Hawk and the Crow dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Sean Doyle mb Pomeroy
Help Me to Raise ’Em mc mb
(Help Me to Raise Um)
(Won’t You Help Me to Raise ’Em)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Northern Neck
Henry Martin dt wp mb
(Andrew Bartin)
(Andrew Barton)
(Andrew Batan)
(Henry Martyn)
(The Lofty Tall Ship)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Scotland
Here Is My Home mc mb Si Kahn wp mb (w&m) The Press Room sessions United States
Here’s to the Morning Glory dt mb
(Morning Glory)
(One for the Morning Glory)
Doug Flett wp mb (w&m, 1973)
Guy Fletcher h wp mb (w&m, 1973)
The Press Room sessions England
Hey Rain mc mn
(The Innisfail Rain Song)
(The Innisfail Song)
Bill Scott wp mb (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing Innisfail
Hieland Laddie dt mb
(Highland Laddie)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Scotland
Highland Laddie mb [trad.] (w)
Charles Erskine mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Charles Erskine mb Scotland
Hob y Deri Dando mb [trad.] (w)
William Pint h wp mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
San Francisco chantey sing h Nefyn
Hourra les filles mb
(Les filles à cinq deniers)
[trad.] (w&m) John Roberts wp mb France
The Humours of Whiskey dt mb
(Paddy’s Panacea)
(Stick to the Crathur)
(Stick to the Cratur)
Joseph Lunn wp mb (w, c. 1825)
[trad.] (m)
Tim Lyons mb Ireland
The I.C.I. Song dt mb
(The Chemical Worker’s Song)
(Process Man)
Ron Angel mb (w&m, 1964) Great Big Sea wp mb Cleveland
The Idiot dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, c. 1980) Stan Rogers h wp mb Canada
I’m a Rover dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Great Big Sea wp mb Scotland
I’m Henery the Eighth, I Am dt wp mb
(Henry VIII)
(I’m Henry VIII, I Am)
R. P. Weston wp mb (w, 1910)
Fred Murray mb (m, 1910)
The Press Room sessions England
The Irish Ballad dt mb Tom Lehrer wp mb (w&m, early 1950s) Tom Lehrer wp mb Ireland
The Irish Rover dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Cork
New York
Isn’t It Grand dt mb
(Isn’t It Grand, Boys)
(Look at the Coffin)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions Ireland
The Jamestown Homeward Bound dt mb [anon.] (w&m) Joanna Colcord wp United States
Mediterranean Sea
John Cherokee dt mb
(Alabama John Cherokee)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Alabama
John Kanaka dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Hawaiʻi
Johnny Booker dt mb
(Do My Johnny Booker)
(Johnny Boker)
(Johnny Bowker)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h United States
Johnny Come Down to Hilo dt mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Tennessee
Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye dt wp mb Joseph B. Geoghegan mb (w, 1867)
[trad.] (m)
The Granitemen mb Athy
Johnny Jump Up dt wp mb Tadgh Jordan mb (w&m, 1934) Òran Mór mb Youghal
Johnson Girls mc mb [trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Northern Neck
The Jolly Roving Tar dt mb
(Get Up Jack, John Sit Down)
Edward Harrigan wp mb (w, c. 1885)
David Braham wp mb (m, c. 1885)
San Francisco chantey sing h New York
Keep COVID at Bay mb Chris Maden h mb (w, 2020)
[trad.] (m)
Chris Maden h mb New Hampshire
The King dt mb
(Please to See the King)
(The Wren)
[trad.] (w&m) Wench Work Scotland
Lady Franklin’s Lament dt wp mb
(Lord Franklin)
(The Sailor’s Dream)
[trad.] (w, c. 1850 & m, pre-1582) San Francisco chantey sing h England
King William Island
The Last Shanty h dt mb
(A Sailor Ain’t a Sailor)
Tom Lewis h wp mb (w&m, 1980) San Francisco chantey sing h England
Leave Her, Johnny dt mb
(Leave Her, Bullies, Leave Her)
(Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her)
(Time for Us to Leave Her)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
The Leaving of Liverpool dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Liverpool
Let Her Go Down mc mb Peter Knight wp mb (w&m, 1980) Steeleye Span wp mb England
Lindy Lowe mc mb
(Come Smiling Lindy Low)
(Lindy Low)
(Smiling Lindy Low)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Ohio
Little Billee mc ws mb
(Little Boy Billee)
(There were three sailors of Bristol city)
(The Three Sailors)
William Makepeace Thackeray wp mb (w, 1849)
[trad.] (m)
Ralph Steadman wp mb England
A Long Time Ago dt mb
(Noah’s Ark Chantey)
(Noah’s Ark Shanty)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h San Francisco
Lover’s Heart dt mb Andy M. Stewart wp mb (w&m, 1986)
Phil Cunningham wp mb (w&m, 1986)
Silly Wizard wp mb Skye
Luang Prabang dt wp mb Dave Van Ronk wp mb (w, 1971)
[trad.] (m)
Dave Van Ronk wp mb Luang Prabang
United States
The Mariner’s Revenge Song mb Colin Meloy wp mb (w&m, 2004) The Decemberists wp mb United States
Marinheiro só mb [trad.] (w&m) Jason Williams Salvador
Martin Said to His Man dt mb
(Who’s the Fool Now?)
[trad.] (w&m) The Press Room sessions England
The Mary Ellen Carter dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1979) San Francisco chantey sing h Canada
May Song mc mb
(Hail! Hail! The First of May)
Dave Webber mb (w&m, 1985) The Press Room sessions Padstow
The Mermaid dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Portsmouth
The Mermaid wp mb Shel Silverstein wp mb (w&m, 1965) Great Big Sea wp mb United States
Mingulay Boat Song dt wp mb Hugh S. Roberton wp mb (w, 1931)
[trad.] (m)
San Francisco chantey sing h Mingulay
Miss Fogarty’s Christmas Cake dt mb
(Miss Hooligan’s Christmas Cake)
C. Frank Horn mb (w&m, 1883) Jake Schumacher Philadelphia
Molasses mc mb Tom Rowe wp mb (w&m, 1985) The Press Room sessions Boston
My Son John dt wp mb
(Mrs. McGrath)
[trad.] (w&m) John C. Reilly wp mb Ireland
Nelson’s Blood dt mb
(A Drop of Nelson’s Blood)
(Roll de Ole Chariot Along)
(Roll the Chariot)
(Roll the Old Chariot)
(Roll the Old Chariot Along)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
The Night Paddy Murphy Died dt wp mb
(The Night Pat Murphy Died)
Johnny Burke wp mb (w&m, pre-1925) Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Nine Inch Will Please a Lady dt mb Robert Burns wp mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
The Press Room sessions Scotland
No Man’s Land dt wp mb
(The Green Fields of France)
(Willie McBride)
Eric Bogle h wp mb (w&m, 1976) June Tabor wp mb Australia
Northwest Passage dt wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1981) San Francisco chantey sing h Canada
Nos Galan mc wp mb John Ceiriog Hughes wp mb (w, c. 1873)
[trad.] (m)
Nothing So Grand as a War mb Heather Wood mb (w&m, 2003) Heather Wood mb United States
The Old Black Rum mb Bob Hallett mb (w, pre-1995)
[trad.] (m)
Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Old Brown’s Daughter dt wp mb G. W. Hunt wp mb (w&m, pre-1871) Walter Pardon wp mb England
Old Brown’s Daughter wp mb G. W. Hunt wp mb (w, pre-1871)
Ron Hynes wp mb (m, pre-1999)
Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
The Old Figurehead Carver mc mb Hiram Cody wp mb (w, 1925)
Dick Swain mb (m, 1966)
San Francisco chantey sing h New Brunswick
The Old Moke Pickin’ on the Banjo dt mb
(He-Bang, She-Bang)
(Old Moke)
[trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb United States
Old Zeb dt mb Larry Kaplan h mb (w&m, 1976) San Francisco chantey sing h Martha’s Vineyard
On Raglan Road dt wp mb
(Dark Haired Miriam Ran Away)
(Raglan Road)
Patrick Kavanagh wp mb (w, 1946) Mourning Glories h Dublin
Paddy Doyle’s Boots dt mb
(Paddy Doyle)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Ireland
Paddy Lay Back dt mb
(The Liverpool Song)
(Mainsail Haul)
(Paddy Get Back)
(Valparaiso Round the Horn)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h England
San Francisco
Chincha Islands
Paddy West dt mb [trad.] (w&m) The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem wp mb Liverpool
Paddy Works on the Railway dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Gloucester chantey sing Ireland
United States
The Parting Glass dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Ireland
Paul Jones dt dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Louisa Jo Killen wp mb United States
Pay Me, You Owe Me dt wp mb
(Pay Me My Money Down)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Georgia Sea Islands
Peggy Gordon dt wp mb [trad.] (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Nova Scotia
United States
Pleasant and Delightful dt mb [trad.] (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb England
Pump Shanty mc mb Tony Goodenough mb (w&m, pre-1989) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb England
Ranzo dt mb
(Poor Old Rubin Ranzo)
(Reuben Ranzo)
(Robin Ranzo)
(Roving Ranzo)
(Rubin Ranzo)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h New York
A Red, Red Rose dt wp mb
(My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose)
(Oh, My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose)
Robert Burns wp mb (w, 1794)
[trad.] (w, 1794)
[trad.] (m)
Remember the Poor
The Rigs o’ Barley Robert Burns wp mb (w) Ed Miller Scotland
Rio Grande dt mb
(Away for Rio)
(Away, Rio)
(Away to Rio)
(Bound for the Rio Grande)
(Were You Ever in Rio Grand)
San Francisco chantey sing h Rio Grande do Sul
San Francisco
New York
Rise Me Up from Down Below
(Whiskey O, Johnny O)
San Francisco chantey sing h England
The Rising of the Moon dt wp John Keegan Casey wp (w, c. 1865) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Granard
River Driver Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Rocky Road to Dublin dt wp mb D. K. Gavan ws mb (w, pre-1863) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Dublin
Roll, Alabama, Roll San Francisco chantey sing h Alabama
Roll the Woodpile Down San Francisco chantey sing h Florida
Rolling Down the River dt mb Jack Forbes mb (w&m) The Press Room sessions Tilbury
Rolling Down to Cuba
Rolling Down to Old Maui
(Old Maui)
[trad.] (w&m) San Francisco chantey sing h Maui
Rolling Home to Old New England
The Rolling Mills of New Jersey dt John Roberts wp mb (w)
Tony Barrand (w)
Arrr!!! mb New Jersey
Sally Free and Easy San Francisco chantey sing h England
Sally Rackett San Francisco chantey sing h England
The Seamen’s Hymn
(Nelson’s Prayer)
A. L. Lloyd (w&m) Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb England
The Shores of Rockingham Chris Maden h mb (w)
[trad.] (m)
Shove Around the Jug The Johnson Girls h wp mb United States
The Sick Note
Sing John Ball dt mb
(John Ball)
Sydney Carter wp mb (w&m, 1963) The Press Room sessions St. Albans
Skin and Bones Anonymous (Warner Collection) Poplar Bluffs
South Australia wp dt mb
(Bound for South Australia)
(Rolling King)
(Ruler King)
San Francisco chantey sing h Australia
Spancil Hill Michael Considine (w) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb California
Spancil Hill
Spanish Ladies dt mc mb San Francisco chantey sing h Spain
Spanish Ladies mc mb
(Farewell and Adieu)
(Talcahuano Girls)
(Yankee Whalermen)
San Francisco chantey sing h Spain
New Bedford
Martha’s Vineyard
Spanish Ladies wp mc
(Rant and Roar)
(The Ryans and the Pittmans)
Great Big Sea wp mb Spain
Strike the Bell San Francisco chantey sing h England
Sugar in the Hold San Francisco chantey sing h New Orleans
Sunny Dor
There Were Roses Tommy Sands (w&m) Robbie O’Connell Newry
Thomas and Nancy Finest Kind h wp mb Sally’s Cove
Three Jolly Fishermen Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Edinburgh
Tickle Cove Pond
Trunch Wassail
Twelve Apostles
(Come and I Will Sing You)
Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Venezuela to Trinidad Roger Hussey (w&m, 2007) The Press Room sessions Venezuela
The Water Is Wide Pendragon mb Ireland
Wave Over Wave dt Jim Payne h wp (w&m, 1983) Great Big Sea wp mb Newfoundland
Way Down in Shawneetown dt mc
San Francisco chantey sing h Old Shawneetown
’Way Stormalong John San Francisco chantey sing h England
We Have Fed Our Sea
Weldon mc mb Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Weldon
Northern Neck
The Wellerman
Whiskey in the Jar dt wp Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Co. Kerry
The Whistling Gypsy
White Mercury Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb Aberdeenshire
White Squall mc wp mb Stan Rogers h wp mb (w&m, 1983) San Francisco chantey sing h Wiarton
Sault Ste. Marie
Who Built the Ark? The Johnson Girls h wp mb United States
Wild Goose Nation San Francisco chantey sing h Ireland
United States
Wild Mountain Thyme wp Francis McPeake (w&m) Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Belfast
The Wild Rover Culann’s Hounds h wp mb Ireland
Wings of a Goney
(The Weary Whaling Grounds)
Salty Walt & the Rattlin’ Ratlines wp mb New Bedford